
Facebook, the most highly touted stock in history has tanked from day one.

I “like” that!

FACEPLANTMainly because even without meeting him, I don’t much like Mark Zuckerberg. There’s something creepy about a guy who seems to have everything but a life. Someone who sets out each year to do something wildly adventurous in order to expand his understanding of the human condition. Like wearing a tie for three-hundred-and-sixty-five days or learning Chinese with the help of a Chinese wife.


It figures that a guy so boring would provide us with the means to bore each other to death, all the while taking names and passing them on to pedophiles and perhaps worse, advertisers.

Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against billionaires. It’s just that I’m aware of the influence that these people have on our world and in our lives and I want to feel some kind of link to those who are playing a big part in shaping our future. I like to think that along with the drive, entrepreneurship and good luck that define those of great wealth, they also possess passion, curiosity and a contempt for convention that sometimes borders on reckless.

When it comes to things that are out of our hands, it matters a lot whose hands they’re in.

History will record that my vision of the future was realized by the likes of Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Larry Ellison and certainly not by Mark Zuckerberg or any politician since Pierre Trudeau.

On the one hand, you have the Titanically successful and influential James Cameron risking his fortune and his life to prove that there isn’t a lot at the bottom of the ocean. On the other hand, you have Mitt Romney getting quotes on a car elevator for his beach house while planning to tell us how to live our lives. And he isn’t even a billionaire!

But back to Zuckerberg for a bit. Apparently he’s now slaughtering his own food. It’s a different take on the stock market, I suppose. A pig here, a goat there. Presumably while wearing a tie and speaking Chinese. What to make of that I don’t know.

I guess there’s a bit of Ted Nugent in even the dullest among us.

13 years ago

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